Chapter 31 VA Benefits – What is VR&E Program and services provided under it?

Veterans with service-connected Disabilities can get assistance via Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) program also known as the Chapter 31 in finding, preparing for, and maintaining appropriate employment. The GI Bill and its ability to assist in funding training programs or a college or graduate degree are well-known to most veterans.

Although they are not as well-known or used, there are other educational and employment benefits for veterans that may be equally or even more beneficial to many. So in this post i will update you on, one more benefit by DVA known as VR&E.

Chapter 31 VA Benefits

Chapter 31 VA provides assistance to help veterans and service members who have a SCD that affects their capacity to work reach their goals of independence and career advancement. In order to assist you explore your career alternatives and acquire the education or skills required for a stable work, this VA program offers a number of services.

Additionally, the program provides a number of service tracks that are adjusted to meet your needs, such as the Self-Employment Track for launching your own business, the Rapid Access to Employment Track for job searches, and the Reemployment Track for going back to a previous work. VR&E services can give you the tools you need to achieve your objectives, whether they involve finding a new job, pursuing more education, or receiving assistance in living independently.

What is VR&E Program and services provided under it?

The program may be known to you as Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment. It is currently also referred to as Voc-Rehab, VR&E, and Chapter 31. Whatever its name, it is a useful tool for addressing your educational and training requirements as well as for exploring your career alternatives.

Your family members may occasionally be eligible for additional advantages as well. Eligibility and entitlement are two independent concepts in the VR&E program. The following are examples of services offered under VR&E:

  • Comprehensive Evaluations: Determining appropriate career possibilities by evaluating your skills, interests, and abilities.
  • Employment Services: Providing resume writing, help with job searches, and other work-readiness services.
  • OTJ training: Providing chances for apprenticeships or unpaid work experiences to aid in the acquisition of practical skills.
  • Education and Training: assisting you in advancing in your chosen field by providing post-secondary education at colleges or vocational organizations.
  • Support for Independent Living: If you are unable to return to work right away, there are services available to help you live that much more independently.
Chapter 31 VA Benefits - What is VR&E Program and services provided under it?

Chapter 31 VA Benefits 2025 Eligibility Requirements

You must fulfil at least one of the following requirements in order to be eligible to serve as a service member:

  • You are about to depart the service and have a predischarge disability rating (memorandum rating) of 20% or higher.
  • Due to a serious sickness or injury that happened while you were on active service, you are awaiting release.
  • Under NDA Act, if you suffered a serious injury while on active service, you are eligible for VR&E payments automatically before the VA assigns a disability rating.

You must fulfil both of these requirements in order to be eligible as a Veteran:

  • A dishonorable discharge was not given to you.
  • The Department has assigned you a SCD rating of at least 10%.
  • Once the VA receives your VR&E application, a vocational rehabilitation counsellor will set up your initial evaluation to see if you qualify for VR&E services and benefits.

VR&E: Support-and-Services Tracks

The Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E) program, formally known as Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, provides five tracks to assist veterans in developing their vocational skills and obtaining and maintaining employment. These are the five different tracks/options:

  • Self-Employment Track: Veterans who wish to launch their own company might choose this route.
  • Re-Employment Track: This helps ascertain whether the veteran is entitled to return to a civilian employment prior to deployment.
  • Quick Access to Employment Track: This offers job search assistance and employment counselling by utilizing the abilities already have.
  • Independent Living Track: This option assists in identifying programs that will enable a veteran live as independently as possible in the interim if they are unable to return to the employment right away.
  • Employment Through the Long-Term Services Track: Vocational/job skill training is available to some veterans.

How to apply for VR&E?

  • You must have your phone number, email address, and SSN, as well as your VA file number to apply for it.
  • Use the Veteran Readiness and Employment for Claimants with SCD application (VA Form 28-1900) to submit an application by mail. To download VA Form 28-1900, get it.
  • Your completed Chapter 31 VA Benefits 2025 Application should be sent to address mentioned on

Your basic period of eligibility may be extended if a VRC determines that you have a SCD. According to the VA, a serious employment handicap is a service-connected impairment that prevents you from preparing for or retaining adequate employment, which is defined as a secure position that fits your skills, interests, and aptitudes and includes tasks that do not exacerbate your disability.

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